We provide several implementations of ARCOS as open-source code which can be found on github.
The code provided as R and Python packages can be used in Jupyter notebooks or in batch processing pipelines. The Napari plugin enables anyone without extensive programming knowledge to explore parameters through an intuitive GUI on a platform that emerges as a de-facto standard for viewing multidimensional images
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
To install from pip, run this command in your terminal:
Installing from conda-forge can be achieved by adding conda-forge
to your channels with:
Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, arcos4py can be installed with the conda package manager:
Pip and conda-forge are the preferred methods to install arcos4py, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
The source for arcos4py can be downloaded from the Github repo.
You can either clone the public repository:
Or download the tarball:
Napari is a multidimensional image viewer for python. It is available either as a python package or as a standalone application. See here for installation instructions of napari.
After successfully installing napari, you can install arcos-gui
via pip:
Or install arcos-gui from within napari via the plugin toolbar (required for the standalone version).
To install the most recent development version :